The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) performs contract audits for the Department of Defense (DoD). Any business that holds or is pursuing a government contract may be subject to audits. Strict federal regulations must be followed in order to fall into DCAA compliance. Failure to pass audits can mean the loss or delay in being awarded government contracts. It can also potentially keep you from establishing future government business relationships. As a DCAA expert, Techeon has the experience to help you with DCAA compliance…even if you don’t currently hold any government contracts.
Here is how Techeon can support your business:
- Techeon offers comprehensive commercial and federal business solutions to small and emerging commercial and federal contractor companies. Our accounting services strive to automate the data entry required in the bookkeeping process of a business. But we are more than just a company that does your bookkeeping. Techeon is a DCAA expert in setting up your timekeeping, payroll, and invoicing systems according to DCAA guidelines.
- Techeon works with you to automate the data entry required when performing the many accounting tasks for businesses. Our process reduces or eliminates manual data entry errors and reduces the amount of time required in accounting procedures. Auditors prefer automated systems like the ones we recommend because it provides the auditor with the confidence that there is no fraudulent activity present.
- Having a DCAA expert handling all your accounting services means auditors are less likely to find errors. With Techeon managing your finances, your company saves money. We track where your money goes and to whom. We set up the system that allows you to keep track of your business. And, you have 24/7 access to reports that detail what your money is doing.
When you work with us at Techeon, you can consider us your partner when it comes to your accounting needs. Our goal as a DCAA expert is to alleviate any worry you may have when it comes to DCAA compliance. We want to help make it easier for you to keep your focus on running your business. And, with our administration services you can reduce costs and increase the efficiency of how your company operates. We all know that time means money. And, saving time means saving your business money. With Techeon, you get both.
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